1*2*1 Yoga TherapyYoga Therapy is based around 1*2*1 consultations between the Yoga Therapist & the client. A Yoga Therapist can focus on developing a program to bring specific benefit to the individual client. Come to one of my beautiful treatment rooms at Joyner or Kedron or if you're unable to travel, I will come to you. Yoga "Cikitsa" or Therapy is a Sanskrit word meaning "to oppose or act against disease" ; is thousands of years old & still widely practiced in India today.
Yoga Therapy is a complimentary aide to wellness. It is a unique therapeutic system designed for every individual's needs. Whether you are recovering from surgery or injury; suffer from arthritis, anxiety, depression and CFS.; Yoga Therapy can be of benefit. The point or aim of yoga therapy is to reduce client's suffering, to develop a practice for them without aggravating their condition and to build confidence so they can improve their health through their own actions. Yoga Therapy is not only for those with illness or injury; it is beneficial for anyone who wants to achieve change in themselves & their lives.